Saturday, January 30, 2010
Strike Freedom vs. Hi-Nu Gundam
Hi-Nu Gundam
52 (50%)
Strike Freedom
52 (50%)
Unicorn Movie Promo 3 - Proper Video
Friday, January 29, 2010
Airbrush Set for Beginners
* * *
hi my name is kojak and i have just recently started to read your blog. i find it very interesting and i am glad that you are able to update so frequently. like a mentioned before i have just frequently started reading your blog as well i have only recently started to take gunpla seriously. basically i was just wondering if you could answer a question for me. i have been looking into buying an air brush ever since i got my mg rx 78-5.i thought if i were to take it completely seriously that spray cans wouldn't be enough. so basically i was just wondering what a good starter set would be and also maybe what a super cheap super beginner alternative for an air compressor would be. i say super cheap and super beginner because i have looked into getting canned air and starter air brush set from testors. thank you for taking the time to read this.
-Kojak, Thanks for you E-Mail.
Well I can say that after doing a considerable amount of shopping for an airbrush myself I went for the cheapest, simplest, and quietest airbrush that I could find. Check out these posts. Preface and Beginnings. I also advise you to take a thorough look at the comments section because the other readers give a lot of good advice.
In short this is the one I bought and it's perfect for the type of work I want to do (Re colours, custom colours, shading and I can save on paint!).

The paint area can't be narrowed that much as far as I can tell. I managed to get it to just over 1 cm but I haven't really experimented with this at all. Never had a reason as I've only used it for blanket re-colours. I spent around 15 000 yen for the whole thing (AC adapter was seperate) but generally I have to say that I'm glad I have it, even though I don't use it that often (Currently. That will change soon I think.)
However I'd like you to remember that having an airbrush doesn't eliminate can usage forever. Sometimes it's just easier and quicker to give your parts a quick spray from a can and get it over and done with, without have to worry about mixing, thinning and then cleaning the paint from your airbrush. I hope that answers your question and good luck with the G05. My G04 is never far from my mind and I've enjoyed working on it. I'll finish it someday! I promise!
So does anyone out there use an airbrush? If so, which one and why did you choose it? Most importantly... How much did it cost?! Thanks in advance for your help.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sinanju - Repair Log 2
Monday, January 25, 2010
New Unicorn Movie Promo Video - Watch it here
A lot of people outside of Japan said that they couldn't watch it. This will solve that problem at the very least. No one gets left behind! Especially my readers!
I accidentally uploaded the f'ed up version where my window re-sized automatically (don't ask why why) so I had to restart the video (sorry didn't edit that out. Forgot.). You can start watching from 1:16.
If you feel like downloading the file I made for yourself (not sure why but I'm putting the option out there anyways) you can do that here.
(whoo lotta brackets in this post!)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
New Unicorn Movie Promo Video

Video can be viewed here and here.
The above pic is a screen shot I took of it. This movie is shaping up to be pretty good but why can't we see even one shot of the Sinanju in it?! Surely they'll put it in the movie! Right?!
Anyway my favourite parts of this clip were seeing the Stark Jegan get destroyed, the ReZel launching and fighting and the Loto transforming.
Did anyone notice the link between the Loto design and the F-50D Guntank R-44 used in F91? Fits the time line and the design tree... Different colour scheme though. I only saw F91 a couple of weeks ago and I noticed the connection right away.
Generally I don't watch JP movies in the theater (even the Zeta re-releases) but I'll make an exception for this one.
My Models
Master Grades
RX-78-2 Ver. OYW
MSN-06S Sinanju
ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam
GN-001 Gundam Exia
High Grade
RX-0 Unicorn Gundam
RMS-106 Hi-Zack
GN-000 0 Gundam
RX-78-2 Gundam Ver.G 30th
RX-121-2A Gundam TR-1 Advanced Hazel
Saturday, January 23, 2010
MSZ-006 C1 - Zplus C1
The beam smart gun is huge and... awesome! It's longer than the Sinanju Bazooka! Not to mention it's a fair bit taller than the mech itself.
With the beam smart gun equipped you don't have many options as far as poses go. This is about as good as it gets for this machine but what more do you need really? I'll save some of the more detailed shots for when I finish it up but here's a couple pics now.
-Fits together amazingly
-Great transforming mechanism
-Bad ass beam smart gun
-Stable / Snug joints
-Fabric parts for a bit of extra detail
-Good proportions
-Decent articulation
-Clever beam saber placement (back of the hip beam cannons)
Bad points:
Fingers can't be separated (typical of older MG's and forgivable for a transforming suit. See MG Victory Gundam)
-Not a great amount of range in motion in the ankles and hips because of extra armour, transforming mechanisms, backpack and hip cannons. That said, the hip joints can be loosened courtesy of the transforming mechanism for increased range of movement but you'll have to trade that for a loss of stability. See the last pic. It has a wider stance because I unlocked the "crotch".
-Relatively bland colour scheme.
-Overly complicated with excessive parts (perhaps this couldn't be avoided but it seemed a bit much to me. Later MG's have had their build process and parts simplified considerably it seems.)
-A LOT of PC parts particularly in the legs.
-Limited poses possible
Overall I'd have to say that I recommend it if you're a Zeta/Sentinel fan. Or even if you're into transforming suits. As a MS alone it doesn't have much to recommend it besides it's one cool pose with the beam smart gun. There are much better MS out there if you're into posing and playing with your models, but if you just want it to stand there and look cool and transform it occasionally (if it all) then it's good. It's pretty cool and I like it a lot. It's going to look even better after I paint it. Like I mentioned before, It's a bit complicated but that has to be forgiven before of the nature of the suit and it's age.
Rating: 4/5
Friday, January 22, 2010
Robot Damashi Cherudim Gundam Saga

I don't have a Robot Damashi toy but this is going to be my first one. No question.
From Cyber Gundam
Main Event! Round 3!

Infinite Justice VS. Sword Calamity AND Sword Impulse
All CE suits so I don't want to hear any whining over technology from different universes. All suits have their base pilots. Ed Harrelson in SC and Shin Asuka in SI. You will recall that Althun defeated Shin in his Destiny suit using Infinite Justice. I think this is fair melee combat match.
Yeah it's two on one but Althun is a superior pilot with a superior MS that can seperate into 2 forms.
I love Infinite Justice the most so I'm going for that on principle. Opinions?!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I also consolidated the lists, plus added in some other things I forgot, plus my new purchase XD
Best U.C. Fed MS is going the way I'm thinking it's going to go so I changed that one too. After nearly 100 votes, the latter half of U.C. ran away with around 80% of the vote.
The Main Event topic was hotly contested and was an EXTREMELY close race but ended up with the 00 Gundam (w/o 0 Rasier w/GN Sword III) narrowly defeating Unicorn Gundam.
After thinking about it more... I think I've come down on the Unicorn Gundam side simply because of the technology. If the Unicorn could disable any of the numerous GN Condensers the 00 has scattered on the OUTSIDE of its body/armour that should, in theory, lower the 00's power supplies. The Unicorn, having 4 beam sabers, a high powered beam magnum, and hyper bazooka would be able to do that I think.
I predict a battle of attrition with Unicorn slowly dismantling the 00 until the finishing blow can be delivered. One lucky strike at either GN Drive or it's condensers and the 00 is sunk imo. Whereas the Unicorn can probably fight at high efficiency while taking high damage.
Unicorn, on the defensive, absorbs a lot of the damage with that I-field generating shield, lures the 00 in. Insane melee combat with 4 beam sabers at once plus head vulcans...
And for the record all battles are considered with the suits natural pilot in mind. So for the next poll (Hi-Nu vs. Strike Freedom) it's adult Amuro vs. Kira.
Has it been 2 Terran orbits already?!
Recently I've been thinking about what I actually accomplished with Gundam in 2009. Outside of my Sinanju... not much. But that certainly didn't stop me from buying stuff.
I decided long ago that I wouldn't think of it as a backlog. Even if I were to miraculously find the time and willpower to finish all of these models... I wouldn't even have a place to display them all. I decided that my models would be something I'd do over time no matter how long it takes... But with 20 plus models and with me finishing about 1 a year... Even if I don't buy ANOTHER gundam kit EVER I won't finish until I'm about 60! No joke. Those are the numbers.
But you know what... I don't really care. Even if I were to buy them and then throw them away, destroy them (heaven forbid) or even give them away I wouldn't be losing that much money. Under 10000 yen and God knows I've wasted more than that on worse things. So I don't really care that much about things piling up.
I'm tempted to just take an unfinished model outside somewhere, pose it, take a couple of pictures and just leave it there for fate and destiny to take care of.
Still though... I'm very motivated now to finish a model and I'm sure it's going to be Infinite Justice next (based upon the poll. Thanks to all who voted!).
I want to make something really solid this year. Hopefully before mid April. That's the goal I've set for myself and I think I can do it. I'm hoping I'm going to have a bit more free time in the first half of this year. Before the fall. I want to make something like this

A couple after market parts here and there, maybe even some custom decals. A bit of shading, light weathering. Nothing THAT crazy. Just some good clean modelling, you know what I mean?
Monday, January 18, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
What should I do next?
I'm really quite undecided as to what model/project I should do next. I have the main ideas done for all of them but it's just... doing it to completion. Right now I have over 20 kits built (most of them are just disassembled in boxes) but it's been a long time since I've FINISHED a kit (including photoshoot) so I'm going to ask all of you out there which one/s you'd be most interested in seeing.
Please vote in the poll on the right. You can vote more than once if you have a couple of preferences.
My goal is to finish my next model with photos before the 1st year anniversary of the last time I did that (Sinanju - April 9, 2009)
This 00 Raiser pic is here just to complain about something totally OT and that is... If the PG 00 Raiser had the proportions of the one in this pic I would have bought it.
Opinions about either topic? If you're wondering what I'm going to do with my models it probably goes without saying that I'm doing custom colour schemes and minor mods for all of them. No straight anime colours for me!
Edit - Added a 2nd section. I forgot 3 1/144's!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
And now it's time for our Main Event...
I really don't know what the Unicorn can do but from what I understand of the NT-D system... I don't think it matches the Twin GN Drive w/Trans Am.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Inner frame - To paint or not to paint
Thank you in advance. I love your work!
Of course painting the inner frame also has the not insubstantial benefit of increased bad assedness.

But lets be honest... You're going to spend all that time painting the frame and it's just going to be covered up with armour anyways. What's the point really? Especially considering that the joints and moving paints may stick together or break in the process.
I decided to take a different approach with my Sinanju and just paint the joints and other exposed areas. This was less time consuming and the result was satisfactory.
So on a whole I'd say that painting the frame might not be worthwhile unless you are the perfectionist/completionist type or are planning on leaving some of the armour off OR you are planning on using clear armour parts.
If you insist on painting the frame for whatever reason I'd suggest you just paint the exposed parts (usually the joints and ankle pistons) but be wary of:
1.The type of paint you're using. Lacquer is the most corrosive, then enamel, the acrylic. (If I recall correctly.)
2.How complicated the joint mechanism is .
3.How much of it you're actually going to paint.
4.If the painting will interfere with joint movement or parts sticking together.
It worked out with the knee of my Sinanju but not the elbow or the wing joints. The knee joint was sturdy and thick enough to deal with the enamel paint I was using (no primer) but the elbow and wing joints weakened significantly.
I did a light frame paint job on my PG Red Frame/Strike Frame project to give it more of a metallic look but that was a 'conceptual' project and I painted the frame on principle. The PG frame was easily sturdy enough to stand up to the relatively light paint job I applied to it. There were no problems as all.
So I've had both good and bad experiences with frame painting from full paint jobs to partial. While it's troublesome at times I can say concretely that I've never been disappointed with the end result and have no regrets about doing it at any time. In my opinion frame painting can be that one detail that separates a good model from a great one
So I hope that answers your question! Thanks for taking the time to write and for your kind compliments.
What do the rest of you think about frame painting? Worth while? Not? Do you do it? Personally I just can't leave the frame completely alone if I'm planning on finishing a MG. The knee/elbow joints and ankle pistons at the very least.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Super Blast Impulse

Monday, January 4, 2010
Gundam Funk Vol.2
I don't recommend "listening" to this track. You really have to FEEL it. Some funky music for some funky Gundams. I changed the pic refresh rate to match the beat somewhat. Now I know that funk music isn't everyone's cup of tea but... you can't hate on a guy for trying to combine the 2 (or 3 or 4 or 5) things that he loves! Also this is a great song to play when you're cleaning up. Just try it and see!
And now ladies and gentlemen I give you Mr. Dynamite! The Godfather of Soul! James Brown! (RIP)
Dig it!
So... did you see your model in there somewhere?! XD
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Women and Gunpura - Round 2
But some of you mentioned how your gf or mother dislikes the fact that you are into gunpura. And I started to wonder... what makes it such a bad hobby to begin with?
Is it too otaku? Would it be better if we built tanks or airplanes instead? Would that be more acceptable?
Even though I live in Japan I rarely outright tell people that I'm into Gunpura even though many people know what it is. I tell some of the men because I automatically become more 'Japanese' and thus more approachable. That works with women sometimes too because I usually get an automatic reference to their father or ex-bf or something.
I tend not to talk about it in public unless someone asks me directly. It seems as if there's a stigma attached to it at times?
Anyone else our there feel that way? One final question out there to all of you and I really want to hear your opinions on this.
Why on earth do so many women (regardless of race, culture or ethnicity) hate Gunpura so much?!
Finally a couple of up to date pics of my progress on my X-Mas models. Exia is finished. Just need two more LR41 batteries to finish off the GN Drive. Zplus C1 is getting there. Lotta pieces for that guy. Way more difficult build than the Exia but that should be expected considering it transforms.