Wednesday, January 13, 2010

And now it's time for our Main Event...

Originally uploaded by sandrum
I'm taking bets. Even odds. Who are you choosing to win?

I really don't know what the Unicorn can do but from what I understand of the NT-D system... I don't think it matches the Twin GN Drive w/Trans Am.


  1. I'm taking my odds with the 00 Raiser! With the Trans-Am mode because: pink owns everything.

    Just kidding! The 00 Raiser would win because of the twin drive system, which was powerful enough to stop a blast from Gadessa. It also has this thing where it could disappear and reappear when in Trans-Am. It saved 00 from the slash of Gadessa.

    Please correct if I am wrong.

    P.S I am not a 00 Fantic. I prefer the Unicorn more, but I'm being realistic.

  2. I'd like to see the Unicorn win, cause UC owns everything

    The 00 raiser is just to uber awesome, to much to be real. and btyw Setsuna don't have a full 360° cockpit and psycommu system.

    I just don't like how the 00 Raiser is just too much

  3. Fromt the game Gundam vs Gundam Next, Unicorn in Destroy mode is a melee monster. It can chain its melee like no ones business.

    Out of Destroy Mode however, it is pretty weak.

    00-Raiser on the other hand, gets knocked around easily by ranged attackers. Until it goes Trans-Am, its a ok suit.

    So I would prefer Unicorn, to play keep away until Destroy Mode charges up and proceed to chain the hell out of 00-Raiser.

  4. Those two suits have several things in common:
    -limit break mode: Destroy mode and Trans-Am
    -glow in limit break mode
    -being titular MS
    -energy shields: shield with I-field generator, shield created from GN particles

    Unicorn's shield has an I-Field Generator which neutralizes all beam attacks. Don't know whether it's active on all modes or only destroy mode though. I heard the power of its beam magnum is somewhat on par with Z Gundam's Hyper Mega Launcher, also any opponent will have a bad time facing an MS which is capable of wielding 4 beam sabers at once.

  5. one common and important fact no unit outside the UC time line can fight against a unit from the UC time line. what to know why? its pretty simple its due to the minovsky particles check out wiki to learn more about it...

  6. What??? We were talking about the game???
    Then Unicorn in Destroy mode could win. The combo beam sabers deal heavy damage, while the 00 Raiser is bulky/slow when using both types of swords(II AND III)Also, when Unicorn is in normal mode, it has this charge combo which lets it use Gatling Guns( they deal heavy damage too)

  7. i wasnt talking about the game. i was just talking about in general. but whatever. its all good.

  8. Gundam Nadleeh and it's Trial System of unit stun will PWNZ them all!

  9. Gundam Nadaleeh and it's Trail System will work on GN Drives only, it won't work against Unicorn or other UC Gundam

  10. At first I tought that OO wins , as sad it is for me.
    But know after reading comments I have doubts, RX-O is a very powerful suit with both beam and kinetic weapons so it kinda 50-50
    But there is also one more important thing: Who will pilot it? Setsuna is a veteran when he gets OO and for the Unicorn we don't know how good pilot is. We know he is a teenager that "accidentaly" gets to pilot this monster

    IMHO I think that Full Arms Unicorn would be a better match for OO Riser

  11. [k_yagami]
    Guess you did not play enough of Gundam VS Gundam Next.

    Trial Field will stun any and all Gundams. Except maybe Devil Gundam...and that's just cause Devil Gundam is just that godly...

  12. The game ignores the fact that the Trial Field ONLY works on GN drive units.

    I think that Unicorn would win, the abilities of a full psycho frame MS are completely unknown at the moment. But i do know that more psychoframe= more speed and power.

  13. 00 will win for sure


  14. -ZR0

    In the show, Trial Field only works on units dependent on Veda. It's works by cutting off support to Veda.

    Nothing to do if it's a GN unit or not.

  15. The most Unicorn can do in Destroy mode against 00 Raiser is allow the pilot to control the Unicorn with his mind, which would eventually get too taxing.

    00 Raiser can quantize. Enough said.

  16. 5 to 5 so far. More even than I thought it'd be.

  17. I have to agree with zrogunota. 00 Raiser can QUANTIZE... theres never been a gundam that can do that, ever!

    Although I like Unicorn Gundam more, but for right now I would have to say 00 Raiser owns the Unicorn.

    I guess we have to see watch the upcoming OVA to see what kinda crazy %@#& the Unicorn will pull off...

  18. I have a question. So what if the 00-Raiser can Quantize?

    It still has to re-materialize to do any damage.

    Power is still drained whenever he quantizes so he cannot do so indefinitely.

  19. That is true, but unless the pilot of Unicorn has quick enough reflexes to counter the 00 when it rematerializes, the damage the 00 could do would likely end the fight. The Unicorn's NT-D system makes such a counterattack possible, but that is, of course, assuming the Unicorn is in NT-D mode, which also doesn't last for an indefinite amount of time.

  20. NT-D mode shut off is a safety feature designed to protect the pilot.

    Trans-Am shut off is due to runing out of x-tra GN particles to boost output.

    While you can remove/disable the shut off feature of Unicorn at the expense of the pilot, you cannot do anything about the shut off feature of Trans-Am.

  21. Regardless of the tehcnobabble, in regards to the poll, I voted for the Unicorn. No matter what time limits NT-D has, Unicorn could still trounce the 00. Without 0-Raiser, Trans-am is risky, and that makes the 00 no better than Exia.

  22. Without the Raiser stabilizing the TDS, I'd say there's a good chance of it breaking down mid-fight like it did in the fight against Mr. Bushido's Ahead, and you can throw Trans-Am and I suspect quantization right out the window as well. That's more than enough to tip the scales in the Unicorn's favor if you ask me.

  23. it's hard to say. Nt-D mode is very powerful, but Nt-D is just the abbreviation of NewType Destroy. It only activates when it encounters a newtype. so thus, it depends. will Innovators count as Newtypes for the system? what type of equipment will they have? will it be just 00 or 00 raiser or 00 7/s? will Unicorn be equiped with Magnum, bazooka and gatling? how many? will it be normal Unicorn or Full Armor? will 00 (if in raiser) use Trans-Am Full Burst? and will 00 use raiser sword (if in raiser)??? Too many questions X_X

  24. it also depends on the pilot of Unicorn. Forgot to add DX

  25. Depending on the pilot of the Unicorn, it might lose, even in NT-D mode. 00 can take far more beating, has a perfect human for a pilot, and has a cheat-mode-on system.
    Since the idea of Innovators was originally going to be NewTypes, the NT-D system should sense them and activate.
    But 00 Raiser is also thinner, faster, and effective at dodging bullets and beams; equipped with the Raiser sword, it could completely annihilate Unicorn in a matter of seconds, being a full-scale ship blast with manually controlled movement.
    My bet's on 00, just because it's more logical. There is money running on this, right?

  26. Take far more beating? At the end it looked just like Freedom Gundam. No head, leg, arm etc...

    Perfect Human? Where did you get this from? What the heck is a perfect Human?

    Thinner? What has that got to do with anything?

    Faster? Debatable.

    Effective at dodging bullets and beams? Most high tier Gundams do that on a regular basis.

    Raiser Sword is a huge unwieldly weapon. It could not even properly hit Momento Mori properly which is much bigger and less mobile than a Mobile Suit.

    Your logic seems more like fan-boyism.

  27. actually, the perfect human thing is something from the anime. Setsuna is an Innovator (a TRUE Innovator). He was Innovated (think of it like enlightenment) by piloting the 00;(cant recall completely, so there will be some mistakes) the frequent exposure of saturated GN particles Innovated Setsuna into an Innovator (Innovator is considered in the anime as the perfect human, like the next evolution of man). Also, when Setsuna missed with raiser sword, he was using 2 GN sword IIs; it might have been difficult to use with the 2 GN sword IIs and the 0 raiser binders than with GN sword III. Besides, it's irrelevant. says 00 doesn't have 0 Raiser equip on him. the reason it looked just like Freedom at the end is because of Setsuna's inexperience in combating such a strong opponent (who is also using a twin drive Tao MS). and all gundams can be effective at dodging bullets; they just cant sometimes because of the pilots abilities(just my belief).
    faster, depends on what you're comparing it to. being thinner can make it lighter, meaning it can be more agile, and also makes a harder target. Shaomu's logic is just un-explained (or explained with the proof somewhere you don't know) and he can have different ideas (like what to compare stuff to). it's not fan-boyism.

  28. Innovator is not equal to perfect human. They are at most a mutation.

    Nobody in the anime ever said that Innovators were "Perfect Humans".

    The reason 00-Raiser looked like Freedom at the end is due to the Reborns Gundam being more technologically advanced than it other than the usage of the Tau-Drives.

    Reborns vs 00-Raiser = Reborns won.
    0-Gundam vs Exia Gundam = Exia won.

    This shows it's more of who has the more advanced suit.

    So 00-Gundam is lighter because it is thinner?

    From MAHQ, Unicorn Gundam weighs 23.7 tons. 00-Gundam weighs 54.9 tons. With 0-Raiser it increases to 75.1 tons.

  29. cant argue the numbers. damn thats heavy!

  30. ok, whatever. it actually doesnt matter to me. just putting something in as someone from the sidelines and not envolved in this "conflict".

  31. opps. above is me. forgot my name.

  32. Setsuna F. Seiei - Extremely Skilled and Experienced Soldier since childhood.. Evolved as a True Innovator..
    Official Gundam Pilot Ranking Overall Gundam Series: 5th
    Banagher Links - Accidentally became the pilot of Gundam Unicorn.
    You see, it depends on the pilot..
    I'm Pretty sure that Setsuna saved all his friends in trouble when he became amok with Trans-Am Burst somewhere on the last episodes of season 2.. Only Setsuna can use 00 Raiser to its overwhelming rape mode abilities.. To Push his Gundam beyond its abilities..
    (00 Raiser has a lot more than Trans-Am with Setsuna as its Pilot.)
    00 Raiser is not designed to kill Weakling Shit MS's..
    Like other Gundams do!
    It is Designed to Destroy Gundams!
    Just like Exia!
    (I can Recall Lockon saying it in Season 1)
    (And someone from CB saying it on season 2)
    (Setsuna is their Trump Card if ever Gundams fight Each other.)
    Sorry but Banagher is still a kid.. May be really skilled but
    with the GN particles all around the Field.. Lack of Experience in Real Battles.. Setsuna can read his every move..
    (Even if you put their Gundams away, Setsuna rapes Banagher.)
    Any shit Unicorn has on its sleeves can damage 00 Raiser..
    But in the end 00 Raiser Wins..
    By the Way..
    00 Raiser and Reborns Gundam - Draw
    (Reborns Gundam can't battle with only 1 GN Drive)
    (You can drive it and stroll around in space though)
    Exia destroys 0 Gundam because Exia is Designed to Destroy Gundams.
    I mean look at their last Scene.. Its Level Gap..
    (Reborns knew he was dead when he saw Exia.)
