Now that my free time is my own again I'm looking at my Sinanju once more. I left it in a state of disrepair as I'd gotten frustrated and just washed my hands of the whole ordeal. I've finished almost all of the upgrades but was left with a severe problem with the left elbow. Massive breakage in many areas. The equivalent of a cut hamstring basically, but in the arm.
First, the hands.
Problem: I can't remember how I did it but whatever I did I did it wrong. I think I must have used my nippers to separate the fingers instead of my exacto-knife. I cut along the red lines shown below but because I used my nippers I ended up pushing too much of the plastic away and the fingers ended up sitting very loose in the joints.

Solution: I added a bit of liquid cement to the loose area and moved the finger around to prevent it from setting in place. It's semi stable now. Better than before.
Preventative measure: Use the thinnest, hardest and sharpest blade I can find to separate the fingers.
Problem: Peg breakage due to corrosive material in the Gundam marker. Slots also cracked. The plastic seems to have weakened over all.
Solution: Liquid cement the peg back to it's original place, reinforced with cemented strips of clear pla plate over the fissures. Sanded. This solution wasn't very effective because the peg would often be too large to fit into the slot because of the cement and pla plate. Worked occasionally but sometimes I'd just scrap the idea and cement the parts together. I'm trying to avoid doing that but I need stability in this thing!
Preventative measures: Use a different paint type? Prime the part before painting or just don't paint that area at all. Often I didn't intentionally try to paint the area but paint leaked in and seemed to have weakened the plastic. There is also the possibility that I may have tried to separate the parts with too much force but I think that's unlikely. Paint could have also stuck two parts together which would cause extra stress during separation. Consideration of these points must be given in the future.
Moving on...
Problem: Ring and slot breakage and cracking due to corrosive material in the Gundam marker. The plastic seems to have weakened over all.
By far the most serious problem and the one that I've spent to most time on trying to fix. I was just going to order new parts because of the extent of the damage but I decided that I'd try and fix it myself first. If my solution doesn't stick then I'm just going to throw the parts out and order new ones.
Solution: The amount of breaking and cracking was so severe here (red). I patched up part M14 in so many different areas. First I sanded and cemented the broken parts back together. Then I cemented tiny strips of clear pla plate over the cracks and fissures. Then I cemented over all of it to try and 'melt' the plastic together. It seems stable but the ring holes are now too small to fit over the pegs (green part) on part M19. I think the more plastic I keep on M14/13 the better (for stability) so I decided to shave down the pegs on M19 to allow for easier range of movement. Once I got the parts to fit on the peg I realized that they could not move in tandem because of the extra plastic I put on. They were rubbing up against each other so I had no choice but to sand them down a bit too. Katoki didn't leave much from for clearance. He made it pretty exact. Because of that I also had to shave down the protruding piece (blue) between the pegs on parts M18/19 to allow my new (and hopefully improved) ring joints to move freely.
I'll post the pics I took of this issue and the whole process a bit later.
Otsukare on the JPLT! I took it last year myself just to finally get it done and out of the way. I always wonder why you have to wait three months for the results, it’s a freakin scantron for christ sakes, run it through the machine already. Ahem, learning Japanese is like a never ending battle it seems. Just when you think you’ve got one thing down, something else comes out of the blue to knock you down. My thing is kanji in general, reading, and typing fine, you’ll never get me to write them though! In a way, if something pops up that I don’t know I can ask wife/coworker/friend to read and explain, so I don’t go so far out of my way to actually learn anymore maybe. My one area that I do study actively though is dialects, having gone to school in Osaka, so I’m a fan of kansai-ben, along with other regional dialects (Akita-ben, Hiroshima-ben, etc). Technically Nagoya-ben is supposedly fairly “dirty” but I never thought so myself…
ReplyDeleteOh, and if you want a better measurement of your JP skill, you should take a look at the Jetro test, I’ve not taken it yet, but I hear it’s much more accurate in defining your particular strengths and weaknesses. I don’t know how level 3 is on the JPLT, but 1 was full of crap you’ll never use, and stuff even Japanese people find strange…
On the Sinanju, sucks to hear that you’re having so much trouble. I’m surprised to hear that the Gundam markers weakened the plastic, I’ve heard in general that enamel is the most corrosive, so to always put a different type of paint on first, or to thin it down. Could this also mean that it’s better off to avoid painting the inner frame then, due to potential problems when taking apart and re-assembling?
I had this problem today while cleaning some old gundam marker off of my hi-Nu's arm to be honest, the inside ring did the same thing and basically fell apart on me...what a crappy time orz
ReplyDeletehang tough bro!
JLPT wo goukaku omedetou gozaimasu! I will be taking the JLPT next year as a promise to the wife. I don't really have a desire to take it, but she thinks it is important. As my japanese sucks, I will probably take level 3. ;)
ReplyDeleteLove kanji. for some reason it isn't difficult for me. My mother-in-law is constantly showing me off to her friends when i first meet them because I can remember and write kanji that japanese people don't know. While kind of funny at first, it soon gets annoying. Although tell someone your age that you can write the kanji for rose and you will get the "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" response.
asm - yeah i dont know why it takes so long. they are super strict about a lot of stuff and they have to keep close records of the numbers and all but still... if its all done by machines and computers it shouldnt really take that long should it
ReplyDeletei was surprised to see that the markers were causing damage too! it was pretty dissapointing actually. not sure whats safe anymore... maybe I should just give up on painting! haha good point about the inner frame though... still other people seem to do it with no problems. ive done it on my impulse as well but even there i had a similar problem with the knee joint.
lupes - glad im not alone!
gaigun - nice skill you got there. i havent made it that far yet but someday i hope! good luck with level 3. i didnt find it that difficult but it wasnt a cakewake either.
ex'k - yes they do my friend. be careful. acrylics seem to be the safest all around. im going to switch over to those i think.