Monday, January 25, 2010

New Unicorn Movie Promo Video - Watch it here

It's crap quality but it's enough to see and hear what's going on. I used some shareware software to capture it for all of you but didn't take a lot of time to mess around with the settings to make it nice. Not sure if that's even an option or not (I checked and tried but it didn't work) .

A lot of people outside of Japan said that they couldn't watch it. This will solve that problem at the very least. No one gets left behind! Especially my readers!

I accidentally uploaded the f'ed up version where my window re-sized automatically (don't ask why why) so I had to restart the video (sorry didn't edit that out. Forgot.). You can start watching from 1:16.

It really pains me as a perfectionist to post such low quality stuff but it's better than nothing (which is what a lot of you saw). Forgive me. Hopefully a better version will appear somewhere else soon. The quality is much better (smoother animation, better sound) at the official site mentioned in the previous post.

If you feel like downloading the file I made for yourself (not sure why but I'm putting the option out there anyways) you can do that here.

(whoo lotta brackets in this post!)


  1. You're a hero! Anything is better than nothing, thanks buster.

  2. Thnx a bunch!! ^^ gunpla addicts hate to wait..

  3. Damnnnnnnn.That was awesome! I want to see this even more now.

    Thanks for the upload!

  4. thanks man.....
    such a brave Jegan to go one-to-one with kshatriya..
    its hard to see a brave mass MS in GS or GSD ^^

  5. no kidding. mass production means attack en masse too i guess. fine line between bravery and stupidity. jegan put up a good fight though! you're welcome guys! gotta share the wealth sometimes!

  6. THX ALOT!!! da promo video looks awesome glad i saw it lol

  7. I salute you on behalf of all who who cares about UC and lives outside of Japan. *salutes*

    As for the clip.... it's great to see Kamille/Amuro-type angst again xD. I can just see the "Kamille" in Bernard (or however you spell his name) coming out. He's gonna pull some crazy stuff near the end of the series... o_o

  8. thanks for sharing, BB. You did a great service for all of us who are dying to see the video.

  9. np guys. and yeah... i have a feeling that bernard is going to be a force to be reckoned with. i know a bit of his story and he has a very high chance of 'exploding'! haha
