Sunday, April 4, 2010

HGUC - GM Quel

I got this done pretty quickly. I pretty much put it all together either while I was waiting for paint to dry or while I was watching Wrestlemania.
It's really simple... I think I could have done it without the instruction manual. Armament is quite light. Standard beam rifle, beam saber, shield. That's it. Totally basic.

Nothing too special to say about this. Articulation is about what you'd expect from a cheap model of a low rank mass produced MS. I wasn't expecting much but it was worth it for the price since I'm a fan of the suit.

One thing I will say about this is that I think the Quel/GM Custom head is my favourite of all MS. Very simple but I think it looks really cool and is totally fuctional. If you think about it... why do Gundam's have two eyes? What's the practical purpose of that for a machine? And why does it have a chin? And if you look carefully a lot of them actually have two line mustaches.

Take a look at the Unicorn's face.

Why does it have that moustache? It's face gets hot so it needs a vent?
So anyway the GM Quel is one of my favourite suits because of it's simplicity and it's design. Very basic and functional. I like everything about it. Reminds me so much of the Jesta now that I think about it, of course much simpler.
I'm probably going to be doing some simultaneous work on this and the Advanced Hazel when the time comes but for now I like having this guy around just as is. To remind me that not everything needs to epic and massive and have huge wings and massive cannons. Simplicity also has it's own beauty.


  1. I dunno, BB. I'd like to think of that as more of a nose. I'd think that's intended for cooling off the computing and radar units contained in the head.

  2. Now the Jesta is a kit that won't take me more than a second to decide to buy in whatever the format, however I do think that it would be the next Unicorn timeline HGUC we'd get, even sooner than the Sinanju. They've pretty much run out of grunt mobile suits for Unicorn.

  3. i think i read somewhere a long time ago that when the mobile suits were being designed, they wanted the RX-78-2 to look human, hence the eyes and the chin, whereas the Zeon suits were designed to look more "sinister", hence the monoeye.

    what you refer to as mustaches, i've always referred to as mouths, or lips. most gundams always had two slots on the face for ventilation, and this can be seen in the Gundam Evolve episode of the MK-II. There are some exceptions to the two slot rule, like the Nu and Hi-Nu, and then there are some that don't have the face vents at all, instead adopting a what i think is cooler look of the faceplace, such as Justice, and Exia.

  4. yes i noticed that as i was working on my MGIJ and noticed that it's face seemed remarkably plain. and then i realized that it was because of the lack of vents. i noticed Exia was the same but almost all MS with the name Gundam have those vents.
