Friday, February 29, 2008
Gundam 00P - Character art
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Plutone - Extras + White Mark II

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Plutone - Exia comparison + Red Astraea

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Plutone - Coloured line art
Monday, February 25, 2008
Plutone - more details and some updates
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Gundam 00P - GNY-004 Gundam Plutone
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thought I'd share a magazine scan of this custom Qubeley. When I saw it my jaw practically dropped at the paint job. See for yourself. That 'phased in' grid design is something else! I'd love to see the creation process for this one.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
PG Strike, PG Zeta, PG Mark II and...
First, I added a chat box on the bottom of the right hand column because I'm curious as to what you guys think about Gundam related stuff. Also if anyone has some advice for me about modelling or whatever, I'd love to hear it. Please feel free to comment here on these posts or in the chat box.
Second, my camera/cell phone is in the shop getting repaired. So I'm back to using my old cell again. Luckily for me I didn't get rid of it. Lots of good memories attached to it I guess. Plus it has some other functions that are still useful. Actually... I'm kinda happy to be using it again... Newer isn't always better I guess. It usually is though eh? :)
Third, because of the camera/cell phone issues, I'm going to be deviating for the strictly plamo content and getting more into other Gundam related stuff. Specifically more magazine scans that some of you who don't live in Japan, might not have the chance to see. There is no problem with my scanner.
Fourth, since the old cell is back, I figured I'd post some of the older pics I took with it. These are from about 3 years or so ago when I first bought and had just finished my PG Strike.
Man it's like looking at old family pictures or something.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Beam Rifle - Finishing touches
Sanded down
Monday, February 18, 2008
Beam Rifle Issues
Initially it started off as a relatively minor problem. The peg that lets the beam rifle attach to the shield and back pack was stuck at an 80 degree angle instead of a 90 degree one so the beam rifle didn't fit in flush the way I wanted it to.
More paint issues. Same problem. I'm just glad that I painted it with the peg out and not in other wise I'd have a more serious problem... hmm... what to do about that? I'll figure it out next time. Right now I'm just going to leave it alone. I don't want a repeat of what happened this time.
But what happened exactly? I used 'force' to try and push it back into place. Bad idea.
I take apart the beam rifle and it breaks on me... ouch. Straight break. I can fix it with glue. OK moving along... got to get the peg out. It doesn't happen. The paint has totally wedged it in. By the time I get it out it's in 4 pieces.
I tried and it seemed to work.
I decide I'm just going to put the salvageable part of the peg in and seal up the gap with some putty. Doing this won't allow the peg to fold into the rifle but at least I'll be able to attach it to the MS itself.
And then I moved. I lost that handle. After searching for a while I found it again and tried to attach it tonight. The pic below shows where I damaged the rifle during this whole process. The part below the sensor is where the rifle cracked when I was trying to disassemble it. The part in front of the trigger is where the putty melted the plastic.
However I did start to sand down the putty I put in earlier and put in a bit of design and it seemed to work out well... but I sanded down the peg a bit too much and found that the fit was quite loose when I tried to attach it to the MS's backpack. After painting that might not be a problem but I decided not to chance it and put a bit more putty on it to thicken it up a bit. I mean since I had it out and was doing work on that area.
In the end... is a difference of 10 degrees really worth all of the trouble?
Well all I can say is 'Live and learn'. That's what this blog is all about.
I am a beginner after all.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Infinite Justice - Customizing
Friday, February 15, 2008
Powered GM - Colour Ideas
If I had a lot of different kinds of paints I might go for something like this... but there are a lot of different colours here and don't have all those colours now, so I think I'm going to save this earth tone look for another suit. If you want to see the process, other colour ideas and the scheme that I decided on please click here.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
HGUC GM Powered - Assembled

I'm going to try.
Moving my models
HGUC GM Powered box has; only that in it. Still not totally assembled yet.
1/100 Red Astray box has; SD Aegis, SD Justice, Revoltech Valkyries VF-1A and VF-1J, MG RX-78-4, FIX Ex S-Gundam, 1/100 Blue Astay 2nd L, PG Mark 2 (Torso)
PG Zeta box 1 has; itself, PG Mark 2 and PG Strike
PG Zeta box 1 has; 1/48 Yamato VF-1S, Haro (it talks and rolls around and stuff) and some teddy bears... <_<...>_>... what? Is a guy not allowed to have teddy bears with his model giant robots?! And to answer the question I know you're begging to ask... NO I did NOT buy them for myself, not that there would be anything wrong with that if i did! haha
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Gundam Throne Eins, MG Unicorn, 1/100 Zala's, C.A. Limited FIX.
Also FINALLY found the MG Unicorn. I'd seen this model built a long time ago from a bunch of different places but I'd never even seen the box until now. Bigger then your regular MG. Man it sure does look like it'd be a fun kit to build though.
This was just staring at me when I arrived.
Almost like a slap in the face saying "Why did you buy those HG's when you could have had... US!" But I still think smaller models would be good for what I want to do. If this HG GM Powered I'm working on now is any indication I should be satisfied with the end result. Size isn't everything you know! ^_0;
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Turn A. Not your standard diorama!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
1/100 MBF-P02 Astray Red Frame - Completed
Well it was a long time coming but the Red Astray gallery is finally finished. You can see the entire process and photo gallery here. I recommend using the slideshow function if you're interested in watching the entire building process. It doesn't take long and it's kind of entertaining! Well for me at least haha! Also for more information on my experience with this suit please take a look at my previous blog entry on it by clicking here.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Rudolf's Gouf Ignited & MWF-JG71 Raysta
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Throne Gundams
Friday, February 1, 2008
Techniques - GM Powered Assembly
I've realized that when it comes to modelling it really all comes down to 3 questions.
1. How much time do you want to spend?
2. How much money do you want to spend?
3. How good do you want it to look?
In my case, I'm in no rush to finish it. I have enough money to buy anything I want for it but I'm hesitant to spend the money on an airbrush because quite frankly I don't know enough about airbrushes to buy one with confidence. Especially since I've never used one before and am not really sure about the techniques.
I hand painted major parts of my MG RX 78-2 OYW because I didn't like the game colours so much. It turned out well I think.
I had fun doing it. I didn't think that an airbrush was necessary... but the texture the airbrushing gives can't be beat and I'm sure that I'll be picking one up eventually. Just for the sake of completing my training if nothing else.
So far I've only just clipped the parts from the runners and I'm cutting down the nubs with a design knife so its flush. No sanding of parts yet.
To be honest this is the part of modelling that I like the most I think. Cutting and prepping the pieces. It can be done at any time and does require any set up. Just take your runner and cut and then put it away when you're done. No messing with paints or bottles or glue. No creative decisions. Just stuff you can kinda do with your brain on auto-pilot and there's nothing wrong with indulging in that now and then. I call it 'Excercises in mental multitasking' haha. But I know what you're thinking. When you cut out pieces you have to pay attention to the numbers and letters of the panels so you can be sure that you're cutting out the right pieces.
That's true but... I'm breaking away from tradition this time... I'd forgotten how small HGUC's are. There were only 4 large panels!
Small considering I'd just come off of a modern MG build. So... I cut out ALL of the pieces first instead of assembling the suit section by section. It makes it a bit more confusing since you have to search for each individual piece visually and not by the number/letter system. It's OK though. It just like... advanced LEGO or something. And of course I am using the manual for assistance. I don't need that much of a challenge. So far so good. No major issues.