Friday, June 3, 2011

MG Shenlong - Finished!

Skipping ahead because I can't wait!  I have to share this immediately!

I love this kit! I'm telling you... the Dragon Fang has got to be one of the best ideas ever. Love it! More to come!


  1. NATAKU! I like this. I really like this.

    I'm curious as to why you think the Dragon Fang is so great considering that it doesn't extend like the original Shenlong. Looking forward to it!

  2. yeah im just saying that because it looks cool. it doesnt extend and it seriously needs a rotate function but the dragon arm just looks crazy!

  3. Nice. Green looks alot better on it than the original scheme. What'd you end up using to paint it?

  4. I love it, that was a great color change!
    I love the color on the waste unit.
    I am also curious as to where yo ended up finding the paint and what brand

  5. This is a fantastic color scheme! I loved it more than the original one!

  6. Really good color scheme though it would look more awesome if both of the hand are dragon hands.

  7. wow that is awesome, cant wait for Mg altron to be announced!

  8. Jackpot, busterbeam! You're getting me in the mood to buy all of the EW kits and I can't do that right now!

  9. Awesome Nataku scheme! This'll probably look better than the inevitable release's colors.

    @Yami: That's why we have Hobby-no-Toriko.

  10. Nice choice of green, but the gold could be just a little more pronounced - maybe more yellowish. Or is that the result of your camera? Great color scheme, though.

    TWO Dragon Fangs? Might be cool, but he wouldn't be able to hold the shield, then. One good, long Fang is enough to make a serious statement. As in, "My arm is gonna frikkin' eat your face off."


    Golion would like a word with you.

  11. This is bloody awesome!! I've always liked this particular machine and I was hoping to get my hands on it and not being disappointed. What you've done looks fantastic!

  12. thanks sandrum i really appreciate that man!
