I know.
Going against my regular style but I think the design warrants it.
Well... it was crazy. But tame at the same time. Nothing like my frequent visits to the Gundam Museum in Matsudo. This was a lot more subdued. The sheer amount of people present pushed it into the 'crazy' category. Started off with a history of Gunpura. Starting from the early 80's up until now. It was really funny seeing the first kits that I bought there. Some of the 'No Grade' stuff that I started out on. That was in the late 90's but these kits were apparently made in the late 80's. I had no idea. It was interesting seeing how it all started and evolved over time. Some great dioramas were there and lots of completed models in display cases. The highlight was the giant Exia. Let's see... it was probably 1/10 scale? It was a bit taller than me and I'm close to 6ft tall. They were selling clear HG 1/144 RX-78 and Exia, HG 1/144 metallic Exia and Char's Zaku, clear 1/60 Exia and clear MG Strike Freedom. All stuff specifically for this expo with special boxes. I bought nothing. Prices just weren't worth it and there was nothing I really wanted. Metallic 1/144 Exia would be nice but... 2000 yen plus for a HG? No thanks. I don't even like the Exia that much.
All and all I wasn't that impressed but can't say I was disappointed because it was free. You had to pay to get into the Gundam Museum. Unless you took the secret passage way like I used to. Yeah. I knew the building THAT well. I used to live in Matsudo! Access to the store there was free though. That's where I got my PG Zeta. The store here was way too expensive and didn't have that great a selection. Modern stuff in sets. All the HG Flags together. All the Thrones together. All the 1/100 OO suits together. That kinda thing.
After that I was went to two new modelling shops that I had no idea about. Kind of embarrassing actually because its ONE block away from an area that I frequent QUITE often. Just never thought to cross the street and see what was over there... Glad I was introduced to it today. These shops put the place that I usually shop at to shame! I saw a sick black Overflag with neon/lime green trim. So hawt. Pics were banned at that place and the shop attendent was right beside me so... sorry. Wish I could've put a pic of that up.
After that played a little Kizuna. Had an awesome first game with my buddy but the 2nd game was crap. My first 8x8 game. Plus my first time playing on a Japanese team. Way out of my league. Got destroyed. Good experience though. Too bad I don't know anyone in my area that plays this game. Never mind in English. Oh well. That's life in Japan I guess. All in all a pretty intense 'Gundam' day. But I bought nothing. Probably for the best. It'll make when I do finally buy something again that much sweeter.
Anyways, full gallery here.
Saw this model around a couple of places and it looks pretty good. Especially when the cannon is fully extended. The Thrones seem to be growing on me. I didn't really like them much at first but... now I'm starting to appreciate their... uniqueness. There was actually a lot of stuff from April's Dengeki Hobby that I didn't show you lot and this is one of them. Black metallic paint job on this bad boy would look awesome I think. As usual, more at my flickr.
We've all seen that the GN Drives can be ejected from the base 00 suits but the Plutone suit (prototype for Nadleeh I believe) was equipped with Core Fighter technology. Kinda makes you wonder if we'll see this come out later on in the series. Stats say it's unarmed, so probably just used for escape. The yellow antennas are called "Cervical Antennas". I'll let you figure that one out yourself. More at my flickr.
Constructed from the GN Arms E 1/144 HG kit. Not THAT many modifications but enough to make it look a considerably better. Most of the work went into the paint job. Yellow? Mm... not sure how I feel about that (being the tame guy that I am). Also not so keen on the colour scheme of the Astraea either (orange, pink and grey? Yikes.) but the "full face" helmet mod is kinda cool.
I like the idea! I'm curious about future GN Arms versions. I think this could have been executed a bit better. Or should I say... more to my liking. Definitely potential here though. Complete section scans at my flickr.
I never even thought of weathering on a Revoltech model! Here's what it'd look like. 3 ARL-99 Helldivers vs 1 rogue Helldiver from the Patlabor series. The Helldiver is a special labor for use by the Japanese Self Defence Force. Just as the Patlabor units are for use by the Police Force.
What? Never seen Patlabor you say!? Shame on you. You're only missing out on one the best animes ever. The movies are particularly good (1 and 2 specifically) and so is the latter half of the TV mini series (6 episodes I believe, 4-5 were my favourites). I will never forget it. It was (and still is) unlike anything I've ever seen and it was made years ago. From a story tellers stand point it easily ranks in my top 10 (perhaps even 5) anime's ever. Do yourself a favour and watch them. And if you've seen them already you should watch them again. Yes they are THAT good. In my opinion haha
I love this idea so much because you can just concentrate on painting and posing because the model comes pre-built. The thing I like about Revoltech models is that they're kind of meant to be played with and re-posed constantly. If I made something like this I'd be afraid to touch it again. But I suppose it would be possible to make a couple of different dioramas, assuming that no glue was used to keep the models/pieces in place.
It'd be nice to see something like this done with the Macross stuff. I can only hope because I don't intend on doing it myself.