Saturday, April 23, 2011


Looks like the English name Mary with similar pronunciation but it's actually more like mah ree eh (if you didn't know). I recently found her blog and I'm so happy about it for some reason.  It's probably because I really loved her tutorial videos.  What do you think about her Crossbone?

No subtitles but I think you can get what she's doing.


  1. Oh yeah, I remember seeing her vids before. She's the second woman modeler I know of now.

  2. I like where this was going until the cape went on... :-P Very girly, but I do think it's great to see women do what I also enjoy doing, which is why I got my fiance into Gunpla as well :-D.

  3. Very insightful for someone wanting to jump right in to Gunpla. I stumbled upon these on Youtube about a year or two ago.

    Now I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there's no accounting for taste and I will NEVER be so elitist as to tell someone what to do and what not to do with their kit...

    ...but that said, if I was that Crossbone kit, I'd impale myself on my Muramasa Blaster right about now :P

  4. I clearly heard her say Mariemon Custom Crossbone Gundam X-1.. :D

    to be frank I don't mind seeing women do gunpla and yea her vid is very informative

  5. Oh! A Female Gunpla modeler! 本当に珍しい!
    And she's cute to boot :D.

    Never heard of her until this post. She sure puts a lot of effort into her work and videos. Nice! Thanks for sharing.

  6. BB, I blogged about her too after seeing your post!

  7. Whoa... We really need more people like her XD
