Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Been a while...

Well there's a lot to say but let's just start with this.

All Christmas gifts.  This is what's coming.  No I haven't given up making models but now that I've finished Skyrim maybe you'll be seeing me blogging a bit more.  I'm already starting the process of getting back into it.  If you're still around and reading this... thanks for your support.  Things certainly got a bit crazy in September.  The same day the Gauntlet finished I got a new job and couple that with exhaustion from that project and some awesome games (Uncharted 1,2 and 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Modern Warfare 3, Skyrim and I tossed Heavenly Sword in there just to check it out, quite good actually)... took me away from modelling until Gaigun's GMII came in the mail and that kind of stoked the plastic fire under me to get back into things. 

Time's up I guess.

Oh I also can't forget the new paints I got as well (also a Christmas gift)!  A new hobby shop opened up down the street from me (providence?!) and they sell all my old paints I used in Japan plus some other stuff that I couldn't get there.

So some new stuff to look forward to in 2012.  There's also a lot going on my fb page so if you haven't checked it out yet get on it and you can start to fill in the blanks.  While I've been away from blogging I haven't been away from Gundam and fb was just so fast and easy so that's what I gravitated toward.  Check the link on the sidebar.

Anyway... more to come!  Hope you'll continue with me on this journey. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you all!


  1. omg finally a post frm u man hahaha. and yea skyrim will make u doing nothing but play that hahahaha. but man u gotta get some battlefield in there so we can actually play together hahaha anyways glad u got back into plastic now and cant wait to see ur jesta since u were drooling over it haha and yea merry christmas (kinda late but oh well) and a happy new year to u too

  2. Alclad FTW. Don't try and thin it though. You use it right from the bottle.

    Wow.. the Titanic. Should be an interesting WIP.

  3. Oooh, I wanna see Shino! I have & built RAcaseal Elenor, and I just LOVE her. She's a bit pricey, but I love her, nonetheless.

    At a close price point, but with way more equipment & features, I expect Shino to be even better!

  4. 久しぶりだね。あけましておめでとう!今年もよろしく!

  5. thanks everyone. Yeah A1Skill supposed to be getting back into the plastic but i'm still working on setting everything up in the basement!

    Sonar - year i remember that. Not sure how this Titanic is going to go but it should be fun!

    Ckai - I know they're both a bit a pricey but Shino is better than Elenor. She comes with ALL the elenor parts (except for the weapons) plus more equipment re; sword, gauntlets and pistols. Better deal if you ask me.

    Z - ありがとうございます! it has been a while! all the best to you this year.
