Now that I'm back home and spending some time fixing up my old models, I feel it's important to talk about the Mark 2 in detail before I go on.
Mark 2 was the first MG that I ever bought. I think that was just over 10 years ago, when I was in university.
I remember thinking, I like the colour (Titans) and I like the weapons. Quite simple. Shield, rifle and bazooka.

After assembly I noticed that it was superior in almost every aspect to any of the other models I had. Before I came to Japan I only had two MG's. Mark 2 and FAZZ. And we all know there's not really that much you can do with the FAZZ.

For more on moveable frame technology, click here.

After assembly I noticed that it was superior in almost every aspect to any of the other models I had. Before I came to Japan I only had two MG's. Mark 2 and FAZZ. And we all know there's not really that much you can do with the FAZZ.
I know a lot of people out there could care less about the Mark 2 and their reasons are valid. It's plain, it's not really that special, too bulky, etc. All true. But those are some of the reasons why I like it.
I liked it even more once I started learning more about Gundam.
MAHQ says that the Mark 2 is based loosely on the RX-78 design. Aethetically and armament wise I'd agree. The Mark 2 was a technological breakthrough in many ways. Starting with the moveable frame construction and the 360 panaramic display cockpit. Both innovations became the standards in future MS production.

For more on moveable frame technology, click here.
Let's not forget that the Mark 2 was a prototype that that was slated for mass production. Only 3 units were made. This is one of the things I like about the Mark 2. It was unique but it wasn't at the same time, innovative but not. It wasn't a straight prototype like the RX-78-2 but it certainly wasn't a mass produced unit like the GM. Not many MS fall into this category.

If you think of mass production, the slim/simple armament is a good thing. I mean it doesn't even have built in vulcans. It is simply a frame. That's it. No stock weapons, AT ALL.

Are the core of the Mark 2 is base MS technology at work. Innovative design with a variety of applications.

I'd say that the Mark 2 frame didn't really get it's day in the sun because it got out classed quickly but the next generation of transforming MS, but even still I have to give the Mark 2 the credit it deserves.

What they really should have done was have the 3 Mark 2 units come out with different weapons loadouts, or different configurations or something to really sell the versatility of the suit. Like Strike Gundam's, Striker packs or something. It'd be the perfect testbed for something like that, but instead they went with the Hazel for that, but I won't speak on that because;
1. Because I don't know much about it
2. Because it should have been the Mark 2 dammit!
The official succesor to the original Gundam was the Mark 2. It should have been played up more!
Zeta, ZZ, Nu, Unicorn - all decendants of Amuro's RX-78. But try mentioning the Mark 2 in the same breath as those MS and it feels like it doesn't fit and that's not right.
In the end the Mark 2 didn't carve it's name in history as much as it's successors or predecessor. It that aspect it is lackluster and perhaps even sub-par. Regardless, I will always love and stand beside the Mark 2 for a 1000 other reasons.
I make this blog post in defence of it and to preface what will follow.

All images from Dalong's scans of the MG Mark 2 v.1 and v.2.0 manuals.
My question to all of you is; What is your favourite MS and why? You don't have to go into as much detail as I did obviously but I am curious as to what of you will say and your reasons.
I would definitely agree with you about the MKII being one of my favorite MS. Mostly because it was my first MG as well (followed closely by the Zeta). I have always loved the bulky and slim design of it, and the toes. Super Gundam just adds that much more. The 2.0 is DEFNIITELY my favorite MG now, and I hope that Bandai releases a 2.0 Super pack. Nemo is a close second just because it shares so much of the frame with 2.0 (well, that and green is my favorite color). And don't think of the MKII as being not worth mentioning; as you said, it's the successor to the RX-78, and if it weren't for the MKII the Zeta would never have come into existence (seeing as how the Zeta was BUILT on that movable frame tech...). Oh, and the RX-78 itself wasn't a one-off prototype. Not in the main anime, but in a bunch of other media there are several other RX-78 variations that come into play (RX-78-1, RX-78-3, 4, 5, Perfect, Char's, etc etc etc).
ReplyDeleteDagnabbit BB, I have way too many! But if we're gonna stick to UC 0079-UC0096, I'll have to say that the S Gundam is my favorite, because it was a MS that could perform well WITHOUT a Newtype pilot, though that's because there was the ALICE A.I. in place of the Newtype. It's really just the EFSF's Double Zeta, but compared to the ZZ, the S just seems more capable of producing results on the battlefield without a NT in the cockpit. Makes me wish a rookie that had to rely on an A.I. wasn't the pilot
ReplyDeleteAnd to those who are wondering... no, I am not a Titan sympathizer >.>;
My favorite MS in the UC would have to be the FAZZ.
ReplyDeleteSomeone posted somewhere that it looked like a blocky monster truck. That's the FAZZ. Big, Bulky, Powerful.
Plus it is the only Gundam that managed to survive with Judau all the way into old Age. About 60 years.
My personal favourite is the Zeta Plus A1. It looks plain and simple, yet sleek and modern at the same time. Some thing about its design makes me imagine a pilot that would prefer speed and sabers over brute force and heavy weaponry.
I actually like the A1 a lot as well...
ReplyDeleteBut my favourite would have to be the Delta Plus ;)
zircor - i really like the feet as well. they look extra sturdy. Nemo is an usual call! not many people mention that one. and you're right about the other rx-78 units. i just dont consider them in the same light as the mark 2's. the rx-78 was never really aimed at mass production but the mark 2 was. thanks for your post!
ReplyDeletezro - s gundam is a good choice. almost everything from the sentinel series is great for that matter as far as im concerned.
anon - fazz is just a monster. i'd love to see how it walks. i didnt realize judau kept it until her got old. where does it show that?
viper - i'm with you there for the same reasons. it is a great suit. i prefer the blue version.
zahmad - you are a man after my own heart. delta plus ftw!