I was going to talk about how I picked up the Sinanju Bazooka and how I'm willing to send out some if anyone's interested.
I was going to talk about how I've deconstructed my PG Strike and am doing frame comparisons with the PG Astray.
I was going to talk about all the new **** that's coming out like the 1/100 Gold Frame, 1/144 R2 Exia and O Gundam, MG Igloo 2 Gouf Custom and how I have to really stop myself from buying more Gundams.
I was going to talk about all of that and more until I got home from work this evening and found my new Hobby Japan in the mail.
I saw this.
And now... EVERYTHING is on hold.
More at my flikr.
After I finished the Sinanju I took a couple of days off (about 3) and started on the PG Red Frame.
It has been a joy to build.
Initially, I thought that I'd just cut and assemble but I couldn't bring myself to leave the nubs on so I shaved them off of all the pieces. Even the polycaps.
Just looking at all the detail on frame... It makes me want to spend SO much time on the smallest part just to bring all that mechanical detailed goodness to light. But if I did that, 1. It would take forever 2. It would all be covered up. Not only by the armour but also by other pieces of the frame! Frames within frames... I forgot what PG's are like.
I've been doing one section a night. Trying to at least. I'm on a good pace right now. I've decided to let the details go for now and just stick with my original concept. That means I have to build the frame first (not even cutting the armour off the sprues yet) and once that's done I'm going to prime it for the re-colour job I'm planning. Even though most of it is going to be covered up by armour in the end... In this case, it's the principle of it that matters.
Personally I like this one better and I can see why they chose it. It really is a great paint job!
On another note I'm starting to think that all this Macross Frontier stuff is starting to get a bit out of control. All the custom decals, the new kits (that are basically all the same), the upgrades, the custom stands... I mean... yeah the mecha design is great but that doesn't change the fact that the anime itself was... OK I'm not going to say it because I don't want to offend anyone but there were some parts where I thought, "...ugh... could I have that part of my life back? So I could waste it on something that wouldn't make me want to throw up?"
That said... there were some really cool mecha designs that did make those stomach churning parts bearable and to me the scenes featuring this blue Messiah were quite eye catching. Of all the VF-25's I like this one the best and I was seriously thinking about buying it but... yeah... I don't like it that much and these VF-25 kits are quite demanding to say the least. Still though... it sure is nice... and it would go well with the VF-1S that I have here already... and I've never made a Macross model before (not completed at least) ugh...
So much beautiful plamo but so little time. And space :(
I'm sure many of you have seen this already but for those of you who haven't I decided to put up this months magazine spread from Hobby Japan. Images are from srw hotnews. I decided not to scan them myself because apparently a chinese company has went and done the whole magazine already. What I really want to show you are the images from this months Dengeki Hobby but I haven't been able to find it on the net yet, so I might have to do it myself for a change.
Anyways take a look. A couple of mods where done to this to make it look sharper, particularly the V-Fin. More at my flickr.
Because I'm insane and hate seeing even a touch of red (maybe because I'm a Taurus?)on this thing I painted the insides of ALL of the legs parts. Just in case.
I didn't go for the complete black because all the red you see will end up being covered up once the armour is put on.
The legs are done minus some small detail work I have left to do. Decals are done. I messed up some of them because of all the curves on the armour but I managed to fix it reasonably well with a white Gundam marker.
Some of you may remember that I let my OYW Gundam hold the Sinanju's rifle during it's construction.
It's now time to give it back so I gave it the beam sabre to hold.
Because it's a gun, I sprayed the Beam Rifle with light gun metal. It looks really good. I think I made a good call there. Decals left to do for that and the beam axes.
And now gentlemen (and lady/ladies if you do indeed exist and read this blog)... I am proud to say that my one on one battle with this Sinanju is slowly coming to a close. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel finally and it is beautiful. I am tempted to cut some corners now because it's essentially finished but I've been so damned diligent so far and have just a little bit farther to go. Anyone but myself would think it's done but I still intend to do some touch ups on the legs, shield, head and weapons. Very minor things. I suspect that the gallery will be up in the next couple of weeks.
Poor Red Astray. Bought on the first day just to sit in the corner lol. Never mind my MG Impulse, and my GNX III, and my GM Command, and my mass produced Guncannon, and the... uh... GM Powered, HG Aegis, Savior and... oh I better stop. I'm making myself sick. Did I also mention that I'm thinking of getting Healing's Garozzo?
I need help.