Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
SVMS-010 Over Flag High Maneuver Package
Definitely starting here. I loved the Flag, loved the Custom Flag, loved the Over Flag, the GN Flag was sweet and NOW we get this! The High Maneuver Package is just a conversation so it’s a totally custom job but doesn’t it look sweet? It would be awesome if there was a resin or upgrade kit for this somewhere. But there’s a lot more going on here than just the backpack. The lower legs and arms have been beefed up a bit. More details have been added along with some extra decals. Kits used to make this were FG Kyrios, Collection Series Destiny Gundam, HG Sandrock and HG Blaze Zaku Phantom. Intentionally over-sized scan so you can see the details. More on this kit to come.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Hobby Japan - Dec. issue
1/144 hg 00 Gundam kit gn-0000/7s seven sword conversion
hg Cherudim released in 4 days
hg gnx iii showcase
1/144 enact space type conversion
1/144 over flag high manoeuvre package (this one is so awesome, I’m putting pics of this up before anything else)
Large mg sinanju showcase, kit, design, line art and 3d modelling
1/100 00 Gundam next month
Special celestial being action base in dec.
1/100 0 riser in dec.
hg seravee next month
hg ahead next month
hg masked man custom ahead in dec.
hg arios in dec.
hg geara doga next month
mg shin matsunagas zaku 2.0 next month
limited edition mg mark 2 2.0 both colours
mg infinite justice showcase and how to tutorial (yeah!!!)
mg GM (rx78.2 v.2 conversion) - this is really cute actually
gn-001re - exia repair (the busted up one from the beginning of the season)
seravee Gundam - FACE BURST MODE (who made that name up?!)
hcm pro of all 00 series gundams
Cherudim next month, followed by o-riser, arios and seravee in Feb.
poster on GFF #0040 Red Warrior (YES!)
gff metal composite #1004 and 1005 rx78.2 and msz-006 z plus
saw the 1004 today but stayed away and got the MGIJ instead FINALLY!
That's it. I'm done buying kits until Jan. I'll get Sinanju then. If there’s anything specific that you want more info on just let me know.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
GN-X III - Seam lines and sanding
I've decided that I'm going to prime it. I forgot that priming is also useful for when you want to test the surface to see if the paint's going to go on evenly. I did that with my G04, found that my putty job was sub par after priming and did it again.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
GN-X III - Stage 2 - Seam lines
So I'm kinda on the fence now. The metallic brown I got looks heavy enough to go right over top of the base purple and not let much if any of those undertones out. And the white might be able to go right over top of my puttied seam line parts. Don't know why I'm anti primer. Just want to leave as many steps out so I can finish this build faster. MGIJ should be coming out at the end of this week but I won't be able to pick it up right away since I'll be out of town.
Anyways I'll post a couple most pics of this process so you can see the changes as they happen.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
GN-X III 609-T - Basic build complete
Speaking of little details... there aren't that many. Shouldn't expect many from a mass produced suit I suppose. Gonna have fun bringing the few that are there out though. Saw a couple of areas that I can really hit and make look good. Gonna make the GN Tau Drive really pop. Proportion of the legs to the torso is a bit weird though. Couldn't do the "throwing lance" pose the way I wanted to though. Too bad... Don't really feel like modding this kit to get the effects I want. But you never know. Might just decide to say '**** it' and just do it.
Biggest issue so far is the seam lines. Going to have to do something about them this time. Especially if I'm planning on painting this thing. They stand out a lot and in some places the pieces don't fit together exactly right... It'll take some time, but I have it. Gonna need some more paints too. Gonna go back and get the bronze and this... pretty hardcore bright silver I found.
The real joy of this kit is going to be the lance. I've got crazy ideas for that and I'm going to spare no expense in making it look as sweet as I can. Just like Red Astay's Gerbera Straight. Gonna hit that lance hard. It's been the funnest part of the build so far.
Kind of looking forward to making this one but debating on whether or not to go back to the G04 since I was kinda on a roll with it. I'll sleep on it. Finish up the shield and rifle, look at the kit for a bit longer and see if it says anything else to me.
Monday, October 13, 2008
HG 1/144 - GN-X III 609-T A-Laws Type
This is about as modern as it gets. They just showed the suit for the first time last week.
So I bought it and realized that I get a 30% discount plus 10% points on my card and a free DVD that I didn't even realize I had until I got home and emptied the bag. As I was leaving I was thinking of what colour to paint it. Going down the escalator I looked at my tie and thought... yes... that's it. Metallic Purple! Go back up to the paint section... no metallic purple. Regular purple is too light. Maroon. Too much brown and red. Lavender. Too much pink. Oh well. Take a look at the kit again and listen to it's voice... Centurion. Bronze. Metallic. Shiny. The Bronze paint they have is a bit dull for the main colour but would be a nice accentuate. Go for metallic brown because it has more of the bronze look that I was imagining. Rich. Probably need to prime so the pink under colour doesn't come through. Scanned the other available colours to see if anything else would work... No... Bronze centurion hits me the hardest. Gonna use all metal colours on this bad boy. Weathering on the lance. Sharpen the tip. Extend? No... it'll throw the angles off. The metallic purple would have been nice though. Got me to thinking... My Impulse is in the same colour scheme as another one of my neck ties. Haha I have a tie to match each of my painted Gundams now that I think about it. Strange.
DVD is just some promo stuff. Talking about some 00 kits and a recap of all of Season 1. Great quality though. Starting to think that the 00 Blu-ray DVD's might be a good investment.
Lots of stickers in the box. But I'm not going to use any of them this time. The type of stickers that cover entire pieces to make it look like a different colour. Useless for me.
Feh... I went there looking for MGIJ but came away with this. AND I'm still working on the G04. AND I still have 4 Seed HG's to build. But I am saving those for when I get an airbrush. I'd like to build them at least though. That's kind of the fun part for me. Oh well... no rush. I have time. 609-T is becoming my priority.
With the 609-T I'm going to be doing the WIP here. So... Project: Bronze Centurion - 609-T GN-X III aka JINX. 開始/START
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
GNR-001D GN Arms Type-D
I prefer this GN Arms to the Type-E for some reason. Type E is cool but this one just seems more powerful. Could be those massive guns. I also like how the cloaked Dynames looks in it too. Curioucs to see if the other 00 suits have GN Arms upgrades as well. Saw this kit done up and it looks nice but the Type E stole all the thunder already though obviously. Not bad but not for me. For hard core Dynames fans only.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
MG Impulse - Design notes
1. i didnt do the seam lines, because i just left the stock grey-ish white pieces as is. im also trying to cut down on my building time where i can so i left some things undone. things that i thought werent totally necessary
2. i ordered an extra anti ship sword from bandai. they delivered it less than a week after i sent them my order and they gave me some extra money back because i paid them too much. better to be safe than sorry.
3. i engraved the name of the person who helped me get the extra sword just above the hilt. thats what those chinese characters are. she really helped a lot and i felt that there should be something to commemorate that fact.
4. i couldnt let the frame go. my first time painting a frame even though its covered up by armour now.
5. despite the fact that i was trying to save on time i painted the landing gear, pilot and all the peripheral units too. including vent covers and exhaust grates. all of them. and the core splendors canopy cover.
6. my lining technique sucks.
7. i lost my rub on transfer decals. might have been a mixed blessing because i used a lot of black in the my colour scheme so a lot of them wouldnt have shown up anyways.
8. total time was 3 months on and off, averaging about 15 minutes a day for 90 days ROUGHLY. sometimes i didnt work on it for weeks, sometimes id put in 6h sessions. this is including mistakes, repairing, clean up and 'thinking/visualization' time.
8. i broke a piece and 'sewed' it back together to maintain the flexibility. (front upper leg armour to knee sliding piece. pics in the gallery).
9. bought my first action base just to get the most poseability out of this kit.
10. i used gold gundam markers, gold enamel hand paint, and gold spray paint to get the effect i wanted.
like the oyw gundams younger, taller, malnourished (or high metabolism if you prefer) brother. just compare the feet. oyw, short and wide, impulse, long and thin. same with the head. oyw looks way more sturdy and tougher. impulse... well its made for speed clearly. different eras tho. great posibility. its a different feeling, flash over function in this case.... great piece of engineering. core fighter works amazingly. very worthwhile kit and fun to build. thin limbs arent made to hold large weapons tho. not dynamically at least.
didnt want to go with the stock colours. decided id make this impulse a test bed for the gold frame technology used in the strike freedom (wiki it if youre not sure what im talking about. its supposed to improve the joint mobility).
from here
i was thorough but i cut corners, eager to see a finished product. I sprayed the colour on before i cut the parts off the runners, which required me to do a lot of touch ups later. i didnt wait for glue or paint to dry when i should have. i lost my frackin decal sheet. I'm not going to do this for the Infinite Justice when i get it.
although, in the end.... seeing this thing in a pose where it looks like it its coming down from heaven getting ready to throw a giant javelin at the earth... worth every effort.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Strike Freedom - Extra Finish Version
Seriously. How many more of these do we need? I suppose it was
inevitable. I've always had a big problem with the Extra Finish
versions of kits because of the nip marks. How do you fix those? I
don't have one myself besides the HGUC Hyaku Shiki which isn't really
extra finish but technically is. It looks great and I love it but
when I made it I didn't concentrate on the nip marks at all. Just a
quick build. mm... well I'm sure that this (over priced) kit is going
to make someone happy. But I'm not that guy. Best thing about this
kit as far as I'm concerned is the box art. Just don't stare at it
too long if you're on hard drugs O_0! You make wake up in the desert
wondering what happened to the past week of your life. Man there's a
lot going on there!